Wednesday, January 16, 2008

National Treasure: Book of Secrets

User Rating: 6.8/10

Director:Jon Turteltaub

Writers:Cormac Wibberley (screenplay) &
Marianne Wibberley (screenplay) ...
Release Date:11 January 2008 (India) more view trailer
Genre:Action / Adventure / Mystery / Thriller more
Plot Outline:Treasure hunter Benjamin Franklin Gates (Cage) looks to discover the truth behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by uncovering the mystery within the 18 pages missing from assassin John Wilkes Booth's diary. more
Plot Synopsis:View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers)
Plot Keywords:Birthday Party / Buckingham Palace / FBI / Mount Rushmore / U.S. President more
User Comments:Oh look, a little golden man…National Treasure: Book of Secrets more


National Treasure: Book of Secrets will always be known as the film that prevented Helen Mirren from meeting Queen Elizabeth after the success of The Queen. I mean really, I would have made the same choice, because this film is truly high art. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the first installment for its poor-man's Indiana Jones feel mixed with glossy effects and convoluted plot lines (Bruckheimerisms as I like to call them) and for the most part had fun with this one. Well that is until the discovery was complete, then the film just dragged on and on for what seemed like hours. This is a Disney film people, you know they will find the treasure and all will be well with the world. Therefore, all the intrigue and the discoveries to find the location of their desire, complete with massively annoying cross cuts between four different locales and ten different characters every five minutes, was totally subverted by the ending's adventure nonsense with no stakes because we all know how it would turn out. There were two things going for it though, I became real nostalgic for "Legends of the Hidden Temple" and found out that yes, Lyle Lovett is still alive.

I give director Jon Turteltaub and screenwriters The Wibberleys credit for coming up with some real interesting set pieces and situations for our adventurers to partake in. Weaving the Lincoln assassination with ancient Native American lore and United States historical mythology and rumor is quite a feat and it is successfully handled in my opinion. What goes wrong here is the whole mentality that sequels need to be bigger and better. The first film achieved a sort of balance with its amount of characters, but this one just goes too far. We have to now work in the President and our hero's mother, who just happens to be one of a handful of people that can decipher the language needed to complete their quest, not to mention throwing Harvey Keitel a bone by giving him five minutes of screen time just so we have continuity with a friendship from the previous story. Honestly, while I enjoyed National Treasure, I never asked for a part two, and I don't think too many people did. Unfortunately, however, it appears we will probably be seeing a part three in the future if the setup here means anything.

The movie is if nothing else a good time. I admit to being a big Nicolas Cage fan and enjoy his over-the-top shenanigans—they are in full force here and I loved the scene at Buckingham Palace that showcased them. Also, Justin Bartha is priceless as the hapless and under-appreciated partner. His expressions and one-liners really add a much-needed dimension here. The rest of the cast is adequate if very underused. There are a lot of familiar faces with thankless roles and many famous ones with little to do. Diane Kruger looks gorgeous as usual, but her role is more female in distress than really adding anything necessary to finding the treasure, unless you count watering rocks.

So, in the end, this film is going to be huge regardless of quality. If you liked the first, you will have a good time. It is not an Oscar winner or any Nobel Prize winning commentary, it's just a good old-fashioned mindless romp. As far as action/adventure goes, you could do much worse. With some great laughs and some really fascinating connections from history, you may actually learn something on the journey. Never preaching its intelligence, you are allowed to glean nuggets of truth at the same time as the characters that are still in the dark do. Fun is fun, and as far as that goes this one succeeds, despite the fact that it doesn't in any other cinematic category.


User Rating: 8.4/10
Director:Jason Reitman

Writer (WGA):Diablo Cody (written by)

Release Date:25 December 2007 (USA) more view trailer
Genre:Comedy / Drama more
Tagline:A comedy about growing up... and the bumps along the way.
Plot Outline:Faced with an unplanned pregnancy, an offbeat young woman makes an unusual decision regarding her unborn child.
Plot Synopsis:View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers)
Plot Keywords:Teacher / High School / Childbirth / Ultrasound / Abortion more
Awards:Nominated for 3 Golden Globes. Another 20 wins & 13 nominations more
User Comments:Great Movie more

I saw this movie and was really looking forward to it, because I liked the director's last offering, "Thank You For Smoking". I was completely knocked off of my feet! The humor was completely entertaining and didn't dwindle into a perverted cuss fest like some other comedy offerings of late (Superbad). The actors did a tremendous job - J.K. Simmons (no longer will he just be remembered for Spiderman), Ellen Page was incredible (finally a movie to like her in - Hard Candy was just too creepy, sorry), and Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner are paired up once again (also paired in The Kingdom) and play the embattled parents to be of this new child while facing their own demons in their struggling marriage. The movie was just very real, and also gives anyone hope that good things can come out of seemingly bad and insurmountable odds. Go and see this film!

First Sunday

User Rating: 3.3/10

Director:David E. Talbert

Writer (WGA):David E. Talbert (written by)

Release Date:11 January 2008 (USA) more view trailer
Genre:Comedy / Crime more
Tagline:Keep the faith. Steal the rest.
Plot Outline:Durell (Ice Cube) and LeeJohn (Tracy Morgan) are best friends and bumbling petty criminals. When told they have one week to pay a $17,000 debt or Durell will lose his son, they come up with a desperate scheme to rob their neighborhood church. Instead, they end up spending the night in the presence of the Lord and are forced to deal with much more than they bargained for.
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Male Female Relationship / Money / Church / Gay / Gangster more
User Comments:First Sunday felt like a whole week. more

What can I say? I didn't expect much walking in. Can you blame me? Did you see the trailer? You know a comedic trailer is unfunny when the funniest thing in it is the studio logo at the beginning and that wasn't funny. This debacle stars "multi-talented" act-rapper Ice Cube whose career started melting after Barbershop 2. Ice Cube doesn't even try to be funny nor does he have anything funny to do or say. Why is this guy even in comedies or movies for that matter? The comedy revolution of a plot consists of two losers trying to get rich quick. That is what the plot boils down to. Ice Cube's character wants to prove to his son that he is not a loser and Tracy Morgan's character wants to prove to the audience that he belongs in this movie. Neither of them are believable. The writer/director *Insert black writer/director's name here* tries to add dramatic elements to a humorless comedy script and fails just as much as he was trying to add jokes.

There is something in this movie about the 2 main characters trying to rob a church and realizing that the money in the church is already stolen, but I was too distracted by the idea that someone actually green lighted this script. First off, is it even an interesting idea to rob a church? I guess the writer figured that banks stopped carrying money. Secondly, who the hell thinks Katt Williams's one liners in this film were funny? The director kept cutting to him as if he said the most uproarious thing since Stephen Hawking yodeled Green Eggs and Ham. You know a comedy is bad when they go to one character for comic relief...IN A COMEDY!!! This movie tries way too hard to have many sentimental and redeeming moments wishing for you to stand up and cheer. But such "redeeming" moments as Ice Cube hugging his movie offspring and Tracy Morgan feeling as he belongs in society felt as if they were added as a last minute script revision because the comedy wasn't working. The hilarity of this movie consists of Tracy Morgan getting a massage from a badly dubbed transvestite. It also includes "pimped out" wheelchairs because a wheelchair with hot chrome rims equals comedy gold. By the way, those wheelchairs are mentioned more times in this movie than Jesus Christ in the Bible.

First (and hopefully the last) Sunday isn't downright awful. Not as awful as other urban comedies like Who's Your Caddy? or anything with Mike Epps. First Sunday is by far no Epic Movie (which is definitely a 0 out of 500) but it is clearly a waste of time. Not only for the audience but for the people involved in making it. It adds nothing new and it insults the audience's intelligence many times. I was going to list a bunch of movies that are funnier than First Sunday but after listing Schindler's List, Citizen Kane, and March of the Penguins I got tired. So in conclusion, save your time, save your life, and most importantly save your money. If you save your money that will most likely prevent a Second Sunday

The Bucket List

User Rating: 7.9/10

Director:Rob Reiner

Writer (WGA):Justin Zackham (written by)

Release Date:11 January 2008 (USA)

Genre:Adventure / Comedy / Drama Plot Outline:Two terminally ill men escape from a cancer ward and head off on a road trip with a wish list of to-dos before they die.
Plot Synopsis:This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
Plot Keywords:Terminal Illness / Race Car / Road Trip / Millionaire / Cancer more
User Comments:I've cried during many films.... more

I, like you probably, love the movies. I want to laugh, cry , be scared, be informed. I love every genre. But only three films have made me sob. Maybe it is where I am in life right now. I am no spring chicken, but this film moved me like no other. Is it the best film ever? No. Neither were the other two that made me sob. For the record they were "Men Don't Leave", and "My Life". This is a better film than both of those fine films.

The operative word is sob.I have certainly shed a tear or two at countless films. You get a dedicated teacher and a bunch of misfit students, you'll get a tear out of me. You throw some adversity at an athlete or a team that overcomes it you'll probably see a tear as well, but this film just struck a chord. Not everyone who sees it will feel this way. I know that, but Nicholson is so damned brilliant as is Freeman. It is a joy to watch their characters for a little over 90 minutes, and the message, well, I hope it hits you as it did me. I wanted to go hug everyone that means anything to me. Sure the film has some flaws, but Reiner and company are to be commended. Thanks for opening up some feelings that I have spent years learning to hide. For the record I laughed a fair amount as well. Go see this film.